Here are some images from Tomb Raider Underworld, which is available now in stores. I Worked on most of the characters and handled a lot of the underground areas. I will post more as the days progress cause it's too much to do all at once so keep checking back for updates! And leave some comments lurkers geez.
Amazing works!
Holy XRAP! Paul, these are astounding. Excellent, excellent.
ryan and i want to buy the game ASAP!!!!!!!!
Nice works Paul. I'm diggin' the figure studies. Been doing weekly sessions myself lately. Keep it up man!
So bad ass, but you gotta put up some of those viking zombie concepts I LOVE those!
You Rock! That top one was always one of my favorite enviros you did for that project. Maybe I should post some more of my Underworld stuff too now that the game is out.
I'm really impressed by the amount of atmosphere in your work. Not just these but all of them. It's something I struggle with.
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