Here's one pic from a recent group show I was a part of In Valle D Aosta Italy, which is about a 2 hour drive west of Milan. Close to the border of France. From Left to right: Mattias Hogvall, Barontieri, Nick Oroc, Jason Felix, the guy who printed our stuff whose name I cant remember, Jim Murray, Daniel Dociu, Politician guy, Me, Allesandro Tiani, Valentina Marchetti and some other guys involved in various capacities. This was an amazing experience and I feel extremely thankful to have been a part of it. I was lucky to have the opportunity to meet and exhibit my art next to some of the most talented people in the games industry today. There are definitely more amazing talents out there that I'm sure we'll see more of in the future as video game and film development work gets more recognition in the rest of the world.
I am so thankful to have met these other guys, their work is amazing and they're great people which makes me like thier work more. I was looking forward to meeting some more of the artists involved Like Craig Mullins, Stephan Martiniere, Kekai Kotaki among others, but unfortunately only 7 of the 13 were able to make it out at the same time.
Thanks to everyone who made this possible!
I'm going to post some pics on flikr soon, just need to find time to set up an account and stuff.
For a full list of Artists go to http://theartofgames.eu and click the artists link. So keep checking back!
wow. Thats quite the list. Not only should you be proud of yourself, but i am proud to say i know you! That's sick you got to travel for this. did you get any photos of the surrounding territory? See anything cool? (other than all the amazing work that is..)
Very cool congrats and amazing work here.
fantastic body of work! great blog you have here. i'll definitely be back.
Wow, it looks like the people that put this together went all out. I wish I could have been there to see all the art from this show.
Thanks guys! The show was amazing and really refreshing. I am thinkin about getting a flikr acct. and posting more pics from the show there at some point, just need to get around to it!
But if you keep checkin back I'll post to let everyone know about it!
Congrats! Looks and sounds like a great show. Love your work, very inspiring.
Hey Paul! I was flipping through the July issue of imagine fx, and there u were page 17! Nice.. Very nice to see u the mag. Keep up the good shit.
Thanks Hans! The show was great and I loved Italy!
Miles, that's crazy cause I didn't know that I was in that issue either! I was flipping through it at the book store and saw the page. It's cool of them to promote me but they mis-credited a piece and used the wrong image.
Thanks for the comments guys!
Paul! Your work is looking amazing! I like the fact that you have such variey in your work. I hope all is well with you.
Thanks, Jackson!
You work looks like it just keeps gettin better and better! Good to hear from you, keep checkin back on me.
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