Thursday, August 12, 2010

Plein air Painting

I did these at Piccetti winery and Rockaway beach. It was the first time in 7 years or so that I'd picked up an actual paintbrush! The health inspectors at my old art school came through my senior year and made everyone switch to water based oils because regular oil paints are bad for us. I started painting digitally more anyway and was kind of scared away from it a little. But I love it way to much to give up completely! I'm bringin back the traditional roots and having a lot of fun so far! By the way, the smallest one was about 2"x4" it was challenging to paint so small. The largest size is of rockaway beach which was 8"x10"


Oscar Woodruff said...

These are lovely Paul. Nice to see new stuff from you. Keep em' coming!

Anonymous said...

your work is sick Paul, I wish i could see more of it! haha

Phil Lietz said...

super nice Paul! always good to see an update!

Phil Lietz said...

these are super nice Paul! keep it up!

Anonymous said...

I am the most lucky recipient of the last 2 pieces you posted son & I so treasure them:)
You're fabulous son --as always- I'm Your biggest fan :)

Madison Harvey said...

I love how you are bringing back traditional painting techniques.