Today Afro Samurai slices through shelves! This was one of the most fulfilling experiences I've had so far professionally, I really enjoyed working on this project. I'm really excited and hope this one does well because the team on this project was amazing! Everyone really worked hard to get this project finished and even harder when they wanted to include that little something extra that they felt would make it even more bad ass! Everyone on this team was truly passionate about it and that's why they worked so hard and put in so many extra hours to get it done. We had a small team of really competent people and I am honored that they let me contribute and be a part of it! I have nothing but good things to say about this team and I could go on, but if you're here, you probably just want to look at pictures anyway... And check out the site!
u r a badass my friend!
always nice to hear the positives. it's refreshing. especially in these crazy times
I like that you are still putting pen to paper. I have seen a lot of guys get into computerized stuff and forget how to make tactile art. I like where you are at right now and I would love to see some more of your finished paintings and illustrations.
Very nice indeed, Paul. I really look forward to seeing how your work continues to evolve. I've been a fan since RMCAD.
Nice work!! Keep posting!
love these, especially the last one!
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