Some character clan ideas for Afro Samurai. Some of them made it in and for some of them they didn't have time to include them. In order from top to bottom the different clan names are, the furious five, the fighting nine and the pole cats. I had fun with these. I guess I haven't normally done group shots like this in the past. But it's really good to develop ideas together and see how they work compared to each other.
wow these are really great! your pencil work is amazing. very inspiring blog! :)
Those are some awesome sketches, Paul! I love your gestures.
Congratulations for your great work :)
Awesome work! Loving the line quality in your drawings. Thats hella sick how u got the dragon tattoo to flow through the women...nice touch.
Thanks a lot everyone!
last one is really really good!
I hadn't seen some of these. Awesome man!
nice work! these are super duper. =]
these girls are crazy sexy
me likey!! esp last one. giggity.
DUUUUUUUDDEE// sssiick! love it
Thanks! It was fun to design a group of characters all at the same time. It was a new challenge for me and got me thinkin a bit differently about things.
these are all awesome designs. wow, those gals look like irresistible trouble!
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